Saturday, January 12, 2008

Web hosting server options

Now after advantages the biggest disadvantage of hosting on own web server is the uptime reliability. If one's web server get powered down for any reason then his/her website will also get offline. Generally webhosting companies have methods and networks to prevent this failure from affecting one's website. Also if the system goes down they have a mirror location where one's site is invigorated and doesn't experience much downtime. There are several web hosts, which do not practice this method, or any other fault tolerance. One can imagine how worse can happen if a blackout or power outage occurs and his/her web server gets down for hours or even days. It will surely lead to destruction of whole business. There are several hosting companies providing mirror web hosting for a small charge, but there is doubt in their reliability. Thus only experience can make one play safe in hosting business else its all on his/her fortune or God.
Hosting one's own server is not at all a money-saving experience as sometimes it even costs more to host on one's own server, when one totals the up keep and maintenance. Thus the benefit of hosting one's own server is usually a better platform for one's customers, because it is no longer a shared server and it provides the ability to make global changes almost immediately. In case one's customers are requesting for more performance or specific applications, then he/she will be able to apply this immediately. Customers generally like to know that one is in control. If one informs his/her customers that the server will be down for maintenance from 6 a.m. - 7 a.m. then it would be considered best only if one's server is down, not from 5 a.m. - 10 a.m. It's better to know some explanations or excuses in advance as one needs to give explanation to his/her customers in such a situation. Thus as a conclusion it can be concluded that it will benefit one to host his/her own web server as a web business, this helps him/her and his/her customers.

Webhosting servers selection

While making a server purchase one should consider a few things before actually doing so i.e. what to buy? The answer should be a quadruple processor, and super fast turbo server, but several times it is not considered logical or affordable. Therefore, there is need to check all the pros and cons of this option. What to buy?

HostRocket WebHosting  100MB Storage 50GB Transfer

Before starting anything one should determine his/her budget. One needs to be bit realistic and expect to spend at least $2,500 for a low-end server. For a low-end, quality server with other needed equipment and services spending little over $4,500 are quite common.
Determining ISP (broadband) provider- One should determine ISP provider .For this one should perform research and should talk with several different vendors before deciding which broadband solution best suit his/her needs. One should keep in mind that each provider's plan is quite different and has different benefits, so one should select the best one which fits his/her needs. One should also consider bandwidth when choosing his/her ISP.
Purchasing of a backup device before implementing a server install - One should purchase a backup device before implementing a server install. Care should be taken that it should be double the server storage space. Now it can be a separate unit like an external hard drive or network storage device or the backup device could be multiple devices such as: backup tapes, disc, etc. The reason behind keeping the backup device larger is that one can easily get a backup of several months instead of just weeks. It is always advisable to have at least 24 weeks of backups without the concern of storage space. Also the backup device or safe deposits should also be external, removable, and portable. This is to ensure that the backups can be stored in a remote location as well in case of need. Usually for safekeeping in event of a theft or disaster
One should determine his/her daily traffic goal. One should be realistic with the daily traffic which he/she hope to see within 1 year, thereafter one should divide that number by the daily traffic one currently is receiving, and then multiply that number by 5. The resultant would be the total number of GB space one needs. Example:
Daily Traffic Goal: 10,000
Current Daily Traffic: 500 Times
So Daily Traffic Goal: 10,000 / Current Daily Traffic: 500 Times X 5 = 100GB
In the above example one should purchase a 100GB Hard Drive, it is best to buy 2 or more drives oppose to 1. In this case one should buy two 60GB drive making a total of 120GB. The reason behind taking two or more drives is that 2 or more drives are usually needed in a server to configure the proper RAID option, in some cases 3 or more are even required. It is always essential to have a backup storage space with minimum capacity of 200GB.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

With growing competition it’s really very difficult to find the right host among several other thousands in the market. Their feature is also almost same with cheap to highly expensive range of their packages. Today, huge lumps of pages on hosts one could easily find on web. Some companies are of huge reputation and some other have their own standard beyond faith.
One can, while searching and listings for web host can come across a host offering a package of his/her choice. Why? Simple! To earn some money which can be around 100 to 200 hundred from one client? Now this is unimaginable for anyone to get so less output by investing so much of input. However these plans offered are quite abundant in unpredictable denominations. Also in the market there is wide range of packages where one can opt for a very cheap alternative but the overall result would be great loss afterwards in any other way. In today’s era there are thousands of hosts who are not even keeping proper record of their cost structure. Now these hosts do not properly services their accounts doesn’t matter what kind of profit they can earn from it.


It’s really unimaginable to even think that one is able to get hosting services in such low prices. Now the question emerges are those hosts stable? Now just consider for a situation where one working on a computer suddenly notices that his website is no longer visible on the net. At that moment of time the only thing that will come to one’s mind is he has paid $12 for the year last month so he/she should not have any problems", but he has to. Its even not surprising if one’s host, who is perhaps operating from his/her own place suddenly went out the business without informing his/her client.
Its sounds impossible but in reality it happens. Not only that, even worse is the cost of trying to get back one’s lost $12 worth it? Surely not! Then what was the reason of the provider’s going out of the business? The answer is quite easy. They were simply attracted by the sheer number of clients and the negative cash flow. But, the clients have now adapted to such sort of things. In the present era, when the hosting can be for free, everyone can easily get a free host for the largest most featured rich plan, the search of host is just a click away. Is the good period has begun? Certainly not! There are immense of barriers and drawback in the service and one cannot get a satisfactory or acceptable reply from the host. If the company is not providing the good service one must share and disclose his problem with other customers of the same hosting company. That will highlight the problem. Formation of client’s forum can be an effective measure
But in free hosting problem does not finishes here only .The customer is liable to face problems, one or the other .If someone is going for a complaint, the reply will be that this is a free hosting and if someone is not satisfied he may go and find another. The performance observed by the clients is totally disappointing. Such site owners always have reasons one or the other to convince the costumer and to hide their drawbacks. After hearing such type of reasons and answering the customer it becomes totally exhausted and miserable. However one should not find any way, loosing his belief in such facilities forever.
Can people still say that, hey! Look at me I have got a good hosting service at free charges. The answer is NO! Surely not!
Is the only solution that one must join a host who charges a lot more but will not throw his/her business suddenly into the garbage .Some hosts can definitely possess a sound business plan and also a group of technicians that can immediately tackle out customer’s problem. One can think it is an expensive but at least that host will be able to get a real amount of storage and bandwidth. Not one of these 100mb to 500mb plans that charges someone around $10 to $25 per month. Now, that is said to be a clear -cut way of robbery and another object of its own style.
So one should be intelligent enough in selecting a host and if one’s pocket is not tight enough he/she may go with a host that is little more expensive, but it is assured that they are more reliable and consistent. One is taking the service of these hosts with an anticipation of bond for a long time but their existence depends on their success.

Are you considering the right web host?

When choosing a new web host there are several questions you need to ask yourself about your website so you get a package that suits your needs. With so many different web hosts about, choosing the right one can be pretty confusing. I'm hoping to clear up some of that confusion and help you to choose the best deal for you. This is a guide for someone wanting to set up a personal website or small to medium business.

$5.95 Web Hosting

If your happy with a small amount of disk space, advertisements, normally little or no 24/7 support and no extras ( eg. no databases, only likely to have 1 domain) then free hosting could be ideal for you. It is also very likely that your page will contain a footer containing your web hosting company's details -this could just be a banner ad or just your webhosts name. The servers will most likely be overcrowded, they will also be more unreliable with more downtime than paid hosts . This kind of hosting is more suited to sites which aren't trying to make you money. Shared/virtual Hosting seems to be the most popular, offering full customer support and many more features than with free hosting. Because you are sharing the server with other users this method of hosting works out cheaper than say a dedicated server would. It has becomes so popular as it offers many of the bonuses a dedicated one does at a much smaller price.

Some disadvantages are that with many people using the same server the security level is reduced and if other users are using more than their fair share of the bandwidth or storage space then your site will suffer because of their overuse. Also having overcrowded servers here can be a real problem. If you choose to have a dedicated server, then your site performance will be better than the previous types of host because you are not sharing the server with others. It also has 24/7 customer support and none of the security issues that you get with shared/free hosts. Because this is much more expensive than the previous types you need a large website to justify the cost. Running a site at its optimal performance is a much easier task with this type of hosting.Blogs or other small sites will probably suit shared/free hosting. But if you'll have high traffic or a complicated site then dedicated hosting could be more suitable for you. Once you are aware of which type suits your needs the most (or perhaps your budget makes your mind up for you) then it is a question of which host and what package.Do you know how to make a website yourself? or are you looking for a host that enables you to alter your website through an easy to follow interface? The web host i have at the moment enables me to change the templates at a click of a button, so changing the website from promoting health and fitness to business opportunities is easy.

A good control panel can help you save time and money by making any changes to your website simple. Look for excellent uptime, this is the percentage of time the host is accessible via the internet. Be wary of ones that say they have 100% uptime as all servers need maintenance at some point so this isn't a possibility. The average size for a website is about 3Mb in size. Therefore it is not necessary to purchase a large amount of space for a small site. Bandwidth or data transfer is used by your web site traffic for downloads/uploads and sending & receiving email. If someone views a web page on your site which is 2MB in size it will use 2MB of your bandwidth. If 5 people view the page then 10mb of bandwidth will be used. Sending emails to customers will use up the emails size in bandwidth as will any downloads/uploads. Make sure you are aware of how much they will charge if you exceed your bandwidth limit.

Spending sometime looking into what your data transfer is roughly going to be will save you money, as this feature,more than another, will influence the price. SSL certificates enables encryption of sensitive information during online transactions, this means that the site is secure during the payment process. If your website is going to be an online store then having this on your site is a necessity but if you are acting as maybe an affiliate site then the site that you link to will take care of the transaction.Whatever scripting language your using, whether Perl, Python, PHP4/5 & ASP then you need to make sure your host will support it. Have a clear idea how many domains, email addresses and databases you think you will require. Lastly, make sure that the company runs regular backups. Hopefully following the steps in this guide will stop you from buying a poor or unsuitable web host.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

How to check if a web hosting company is worth the price?

One of the most attractive qualities in a Web hosting service is a low price. And in shopping for a Web host, you'll probably discover there is no shortage of providers offering hosting packages with more than enough power to meet your needs for extremely low prices. You'll sometimes hear "you get what you pay for," and "if it seems too good to be true, it probably is." And these sorts of sayings are valuable advice. But in today's Web hosting market, a simple Web hosting package simply is a low-cost service, and some of the largest, best-supported companies in the world are among the providers offering hosting for the lowest prices. 1&1 Internet ( and Go Daddy ( both offer services that start at $3.99 per month. While a new but reliable provider is ( offeringthe cheapest price of 99 cent/month only!Reseller hosting programs make it possible for much smaller companies to offer pricing similar to the big players, while offering similarly reliable (and in some cases considerably more personal) customer service. But while reseller hosting makes it simple for small-but-reliable businesses to quickly set up shop online, it makes it just as simple for unreliable and poorly-run businesses to set up Web hosting services.Short of sticking with only the biggest companies (a viable plan, certainly, but not the only alternative), it will be almost impossible to avoid encountering unreliable hosting providers altogether. So being able to distinguish between a credible shop and a fly-by-night outfit will be a valuable tool in shopping for a host.It may seem obvious, but a poorly-designed or poorly maintained websites is often a giveaway when it comes to bad service. Browse your potential host's whole site. Look for badly functioning code or broken links. A host that doesn't properly maintain its own website can hardly be relied upon to provide the support you need in maintaining your own.Check for contact information. Any company worth doing business with has a "contact us" link on its website, and a phone number on that page. Some hosts don't list their phone numbers or emails, providing only Web-based forms for making contact. It's not a sure sign of a bad service provider, but a phone number says "reliable" and "accountable" a whole lot more clearly.Take that contact information for a spin. Get in touch with the host. Call its phone number. Send an email. Voicemail and email auto-responders are good things, signs that a company is determined to manage its customer contact, but you're looking for follow-through too. How long does it take them to get back to you?Check out reviews online. It can be tough to find a reliable rating for a Web hosting company online, since most of the "ratings" out there are paid-for good press and most of the negative forum threads are the unreliable ranting of irate ex customers. But a good thing to look for is a company's own response to such threads. A reliable host will often take the time to respond to a negative message board thread, giving its side of the story and hopefully not getting drawn into the mud-slinging.Go with your gut. If a hosting provider doesn't feel like a good idea, it probably isn't. Remember, if a cheap service is all you require, there are plenty of highly reliable hosts that can meet your criteria.
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