Now after advantages the biggest disadvantage of hosting on own web server is the uptime reliability. If one's web server get powered down for any reason then his/her website will also get offline. Generally webhosting companies have methods and networks to prevent this failure from affecting one's website. Also if the system goes down they have a mirror location where one's site is invigorated and doesn't experience much downtime. There are several web hosts, which do not practice this method, or any other fault tolerance. One can imagine how worse can happen if a blackout or power outage occurs and his/her web server gets down for hours or even days. It will surely lead to destruction of whole business. There are several hosting companies providing mirror web hosting for a small charge, but there is doubt in their reliability. Thus only experience can make one play safe in hosting business else its all on his/her fortune or God.
Hosting one's own server is not at all a money-saving experience as sometimes it even costs more to host on one's own server, when one totals the up keep and maintenance. Thus the benefit of hosting one's own server is usually a better platform for one's customers, because it is no longer a shared server and it provides the ability to make global changes almost immediately. In case one's customers are requesting for more performance or specific applications, then he/she will be able to apply this immediately. Customers generally like to know that one is in control. If one informs his/her customers that the server will be down for maintenance from 6 a.m. - 7 a.m. then it would be considered best only if one's server is down, not from 5 a.m. - 10 a.m. It's better to know some explanations or excuses in advance as one needs to give explanation to his/her customers in such a situation. Thus as a conclusion it can be concluded that it will benefit one to host his/her own web server as a web business, this helps him/her and his/her customers.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Web hosting server options
Posted by pitivis